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New Ventilation Training Facilities Installed in York


Due to the age of this post some of the information maybe out of date.

After some significant investment in our York training centre, we can to announce that from September 2020 our in-centre AP/CP Ventilation courses shall incorporate our new HTM 03-01 Compliant Operating Theatre and Ante rooms.

Developed in conjunction with Medical Air Technology, the new practical facilities aim to add further value to our portfolio of training courses and to offer healthcare ventilation training in the north.

Medical Gas Training From October 2020

From October 2020 we will be able to offer in-centre (York at present) and on-site Authorised / Competent Person Medical Gas training, to HTM 02-01 requirement, along with on-site nurse and porter training where required.

Further Investment at our Slough Training Centre

Designs are already in place for a similar installation in our Slough training centre, with an estimated completion date of early 2021, offering the same portfolio of courses in the south.

Dates for these courses are now available to book online. Alternatively please contact our dedicated Account Managers on 0333 121 1215 or email for further information.