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Mechanical & Electrical Technical

Our range of Technical training courses are designed to meet the latest industry requirements. We deliver City & Guilds and BPEC qualifications through our highly knowledgeable and experienced training staff across the UK and overseas. Qualifications delivered at our approved centres include but are not limited to; 18th Edition Wiring Regulations, Airfield Lighting, Heliports Visual Aids Principles, High Voltage Maintenance, F-Gas Category 1, and Mechanical and Electrical Conversion training.

Electrical Installations

City & Guilds 2382, 2391-52, 2392, 2396, 2919, 2377, 18th Edition Wiring Regulations, Escape Lighting, Fire Alarms

Inspection and Testing

City & Guilds 2382, 2391-52, 2392, 2377

High Voltage - Technical

Site Managers, Maintenance, Technical, Substation
High Voltage - Technical
We provide a wide range of City & Guilds Electrical High Voltage training courses. These have been developed to provide maximum support for individuals, and those working within the commercial FM sector, NHS, and armed forces. Training is delivered in our modern centres in York and Slough, or as a bespoke on-site event.
High Voltage Maintenance (HVM)
5 Days
High Voltage Awareness (HVASM)
2 Days
High Voltage Technical (HVTA)
3 Days
Substation Entry Awareness (SUBE)
1 Day
Substation Entry Remote (ESUBE)
Remote Training
1 Day
High Voltage Foundation (HVF)
3 Days


Category 1, 2, 3, 4, F-Gas Compliance, Hydrocarbon, Air Conditioning.
We provide a wide range of City & Guilds F-Gas training courses which ensure compliance to work on equipment containing fluorinated gases, and other ozone depleting substances. Many of our qualifications provide evergreen certificates, therefore meaning they will not expire. Further to our core F-Gas offering we also provide Hydrocarbon and Air-Conditioning courses. Training is available in York, Slough and Livingston.
F-Gas (Category 1) | City & Guilds 2079-11 (FCAT1)
5 Days
F-Gas (Category 2) | City & Guilds 2079-12 (FCAT2)
On Request
5 Days
F-Gas (Category 3) | City & Guilds 2079-13 (FCAT3)
On Request
F-Gas (Category 4) | City & Guilds 2079-14 (FCAT4)
2 Days
Hydrocarbon Qualification | City & Guilds 6187-21 (6187)
1 Day
F-Gas Compliance (FGCOM)
2 Days
Introduction to Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems (Commercial) (IVAC)
3 Days

Airfield Lighting

Authorised Person Aeronautical Ground Lighting, Technician and Maintenance Systems Management.
Airfield Lighting
We provide a range of City & Guilds Airfield Lighting training courses. These have been developed to provide maximum support for airfield Engineers and Technicians staff with the responsibility for the operation, and maintenance of airfields to either Civil Airport (EASA, CAA and ICAO) or MOD Airfield (JSP and MAA) standards. Training is delivered in our modern centres in York and Slough, or as a bespoke on-site event.
Authorised Person Aeronautical Ground Lighting (APAGL)
3 Days
Aeronautical Ground Lighting Technician (AGLT)
5 Days
Authorised Person Aeronautical Ground Lighting (MOD) (AGLMOD)
On Request
3 Days

Contract Managers Technical Awareness

Facilities Management Contract Managers Technical Awareness.
Contract Managers Technical Awareness
We provide City & Guilds Assured training for Contract Managers within Facilities Management environments. Our course will provide learners with a greater understanding of their engineering responsibilities. Training is delivered in our centres in York, Slough and Livingston. We can also provide training onsite as a bespoke event.
Facilities Management Contract Managers Technical Awareness (FMTA)
2 Days

Mechanical and Electrical Conversion (Foundation)

Mechnical to Electrical, Electrical to Mechanical
Mechanical and Electrical Conversion (Foundation)
We provide a City & Guilds Mechanical to Electrical training course. This has been developed to provide maximum support for those working within a Mechanical and Electrical environment who would benefit from increased awareness of mechanical/electrical principles and practices as part of their current role. Training is delivered in our modern centres in York and Slough.
Electrical to Mechanical Conversion (EMC)
5 Days
Mechanical to Electrical Conversion (MEC)
5 Days

Closed Water Systems

Closed Water Systems
Closed Water Systems
Our closed water systems awareness course has been developed to offer you an insightful understanding of closed water systems. This course will provide you with a wide range of technical and legal guidance. Training is delivered at any of our York, Slough or Livingston locations, or as a bespoke on-site event.
Closed Water Systems Awareness Course (WH013)
1 Day
Closed Water Systems Awareness Remote (EWH013)
Remote Training
1 Day

Boiler Operator

Boiler Operator
Boiler Operator
Are you fully aware of the benefits of having competent steam boiler operators?

Per the HSE's INDG436 (Safe management of industrial steam and hot water boilers), training should at the very least be delivered by those with the appropriate knowledge, training and assessment skills on their own equipment.

To help our delegates become competent operators, we have partnered with Fulton, a leading global manufacturer of fuel- fired and electric steam boilers, to create cost effective on-site training courses aimed at steam boiler operation.
Steam Boiler Operator - Foundation (SB1)
On Request
1 Day
Steam Boiler Operator - Safe Working Practices (SB2)
On Request
1 Day
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