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Legionella (Water Hygiene)

Legionella is a life-threatening bacterium which can be present in most environments where there is both natural and man-made water systems. We provide City & Guilds Assured and BPEC accredited Legionella (Water Hygiene) courses which are designed to meet a wide range of requirements including ACOP L8 compliance.

Training for Healthcare Estates professionals can be delivered to suit the delegate's geographical location - i.e. SHTM 04-01 for Scotland.

Legionella Management

Management of Legionella Bacteria Within Water Systems
Legionella Management
These courses cover the background knowledge on how to effectively manage Legionella to ensure ACOP compliance. These courses will also provide an understanding of the duties and responsibilities of the Duty Holder and the Appointed Responsible Person. Both courses are delivered in York and Slough, or as a bespoke on-site event.
Legionella Control and Management of Hot and Cold Water Services and Evaporative Cooling Systems (WH010)
5 Days
Legionella Management for Water Systems (WH001)
1 Day
Legionella Management for Water Systems Remote (EWH001)
Remote Training
1 Day
Legionella Management for Water Systems HTM 04-01 (WHH01)
1 Day
Legionella Management for Water Systems HTM 04-01 Remote (EWHH01)
Remote Training
1 Day
Legionella Management for Water Systems SHTM 04-01 (WHS01)
1 Day

Legionella Awareness

Awareness of Legionella Bacteria Within Water Systems
Legionella Awareness
Our Legionella Awareness courses have been developed to provide maximum support for those who are involved in the implementation of the written scheme, and who are responsible for maintaining site log books. Training is delivered in York and Slough, or as a bespoke on-site event
Legionella Awareness (WH002)
1 Day
Legionella Awareness Remote (EWH002)
Remote Training
1 Day
Legionella Awareness Hospital HTM 04-01 (WHH02)
1 Day
Legionella Awareness Within Evaporative Cooling Systems (WH008)
1 Day
Legionella Awareness Hospital SHTM 04-01 (WHS02)
1 Day

Hot and Cold Water Systems

Legionella Control Within Hot and Cold Water Systems
Hot and Cold Water Systems
This City & Guilds Assured training course will provide you with an understanding of how to control the risk from legionella bacteria within hot and cold water systems. The course will enable effective management of the hot and cold water system in accordance with the Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) L8 and guidance document HSG274 Part 2. Training is delivered in York and Slough, or as a bespoke on-site event.
Legionella and Water Hygiene Control Within Hot and Cold Water Systems (WH003)
3 Days
Legionella and Water Hygiene Control Within Hot and Cold Water Systems HTM 04-01 (WHH03)
3 Days
Written Scheme of Control - Implementation of the Monitoring Requirements for Hot and Cold Water Systems (WH009)
1 Day
Legionella and Water Hygiene Control Within Hot and Cold Water Systems SHTM 04-01 (WHS03)
3 Days
Water Sampling for Legionella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and TVCs (WH026)
1 Day

Closed Water Systems

Closed Water Systems
Closed Water Systems
Our closed water systems awareness course has been developed to offer you an insightful understanding of closed water systems. This course will provide you with a wide range of technical and legal guidance. Training is delivered at any of our York, Slough or Livingston locations, or as a bespoke on-site event.
Closed Water Systems Awareness Course (WH013)
1 Day
Closed Water Systems Awareness Remote (EWH013)
Remote Training
1 Day

Legionella Risk Assessment

Understand and Carry Out Risk Assessments
Legionella Risk Assessment
This Risk Assessment course will provide you with knowledge of how to assess the risk of being exposed to the legionella bacteria in water systems. The course has been developed for those who would like to become legionella risk assessors, or who need an understanding of how to carry out risk assessments on water systems. Training is delivered in York and Slough, or as a bespoke on-site event.
Risk Assessment for Legionella and Water Hygiene Control in Water Systems (WH004)
3 Days

Legionella Disinfection

Safely Disinfect Hot and Cold Water Systems
Legionella Disinfection
We provide City & Guilds Assured Legionella Disinfection training suitable for supervisors and operatives. The course will provide technical and practical information to safely disinfect hot and cold water systems, in accordance with HSG274 Part 2, BS 8558 and PD855468. Training is delivered in York and Slough, or as a bespoke on-site event.
Disinfection of Hot and Cold Water Systems (WH005)
1 Day

Legionella within Cooling Systems

Control Within Water Systems and Evaporative Cooling Systems
Legionella within Cooling Systems
These City & Guilds Assured training courses have been developed for managers, supervisors or engineers. The courses provide details of how to prevent and control legionella bacteria in hot and cold water systems and evaporative cooling systems. Training is delivered in York and Slough, or as a bespoke on-site event.
Control of Legionella Within Evaporative Cooling Systems (WH006)
3 Days
Legionella Control and Management of Hot and Cold Water Services and Evaporative Cooling Systems (WH010)
5 Days
Legionella Awareness Within Evaporative Cooling Systems (WH008)
1 Day

Legionella Refresher

Refresher and Update
Legionella Refresher
Our City & Guilds Assured Legionella Refresher course will provide you with the latest changes and updates to relevant legislation and the Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) L8, along with a refresher on the required management of legionella in water systems. Training is delivered in York and Slough, or as a bespoke on-site event.
Legionella Control Refresher and Update (WH007)
1 Day

Thermostatic Mixing Valves

Servicing and Testing TMV's
Thermostatic Mixing Valves
Gain the knowledge required to commission, service, and test thermostatic mixing valves in-line with legal and advisory guidelines. Training is delivered in York and Slough, or as a bespoke on-site event.
Servicing and Testing Requirements of Thermostatic Mixing Valves (TMV) (WH018)
1 Day

Water Hygiene Healthcare

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Management, Awareness, Thermostatic Mixing Valves, Water Hygiene

Water Safety for Healthcare in Scotland SHTM 04-01

Legionella (Water Hygiene) Management and Awareness courses, including Hot and Cold Water Systems.

Swimming Pool Operation and Management

Swimming, Spa and Hydrotherapy Pool Operation and Management
Swimming Pool Operation and Management
We provide a City & Guilds Assured Operation and Management of Swimming and Hydrotherapy Pools training course. This has been developed to provide managers, supervisors or engineers who require an understanding of the importance of managing and maintaining swimming and hydrotherapy pools. Training is delivered in our modern centres in York and Slough, or as a bespoke on-site event.
Swimming and Hydrotherapy Pool Operation and Management (WH012)
1 Day


Installation and Maintenance, Unvented, Water Regulations
We provide two water systems maintenance BPEC accredited training courses. These have been developed to provide insight into water systems design, installation commissioning, back flow protection, WCs and urinals plus more on the Water Regulations side. We also delve into Part G3 and Part L1 of the building regulations, as part of our Unvented Hot Water Storage course. Both offerings provide support for individuals, and those working within the commercial FM sector, NHS, and armed forces. Training is delivered in York and Slough.
Water Regulations (WARE)
1 Day
Unvented Hot Water Storage (UHWS)
1 Day

Unsure Which is the Right Course for you?

Please choose the most relevant category from the options below:

Do you have responsibilities for water systems within buildings?
Do you require a Legionella Refresher / Update?

There are no courses which meet your selection criteria.
Are you involved with implementing & monitoring requirements?

Recommended Course(s):
Do you require water systems hygiene awareness requirements?

There are no courses which meet your selection criteria.
Are you involved with the cleaning and disinfection of Hot & Cold Water Systems?
Are you involved with the maintenance / management of evaporative cooling systems?
Are you involved in carrying out risk assessments of water systems?

There are no courses which meet your selection criteria.
Are you involved in operational management & maintenance of swimming & hydrotherapy pools?
Are you involved in TMV maintenance and servicing/commissioning?

There are no courses which meet your selection criteria.
Are you a landlord or plumber responsible for Water Systems?

There are no courses which meet your selection criteria.
Are you involved in water systems management in Healthcare Establishments
Are you involved in implementing control measures in Healthcare buildings?

There are no courses which meet your selection criteria.
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