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Email Signature Generator

Welcome to the email signature generator.

Below is an example of your email signature template, automatically generated to produce a PPL standard design. Click the copy button then scroll down further to follow instructions on how to apply this to either your GMail or Outlook account.

Unfortunately your details could not found, please contact for help on generating your email signature.


Log into your GMail account and click the cog icon at the top right hand side.

settings instructions

In the drop-down menu select "See all settings".

settings instructions

Within the setting menu, scroll down and follow the steps seen in the picture below.

settings instructions

Launch Microsoft Outlook and click the file menu at the top right.

Click Options on the left hand side.

settings instructions

Click Mail on the left hand side.

Next, click the Signatures button to launch the signature properties.

settings instructions

Click New to create a new signature.

Type in a name for your signature.

settings instructions

Delete any information in the body at the bottom and paste your signature into the box. Ensure that your signature name given previously is showing in the drop down menus identified.

Click OK and close any other windows. Your signature is now setup.

settings instructions

Click the green Select All button.

Tap copy on your phones context menu.

settings instructions

Go into the iPhone settings and scroll down.

Next, tap the mail option to go into the mail settings.

settings instructions

Scroll all the way to the very bottom.

Tap signature to edit your signature setting.

settings instructions

Remove any pre-existing text and then tap and hold the signature white box until a context menu appears.

Select paste and your signature will be copied in. If you have issues, refresh the screen and start from instruction 1.

settings instructions

If your paste operation loses formatting. Shake your iPhone side to side until the following popup appears.

Tap Undo and your format is restored. Your signature is now setup. Tap the back button to exit.

settings instructions

You're signature has successfully copied to the clipboard!

You can now paste this into your email client.

If you need instructions, continue to scroll down the page for documentation